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The Rules of the Festival You asked for it -- you got it. The ever popular Neekin returns in this tantalizing Sword & Sorcery tale of double crosses and sensual decadance. Much is permitted during the time of The Festival...even murder...
The Blind King A melancholy tale of honour and courage as a wounded king must seek to prove his worth against those who would see him dethroned...and dead...
The Invisible Man in the Iron Mask Author Kenneth Robinson premieres here at P&D with this snappy little fantasy-tinged puzzler about an insurance investigator who smells fraud in his latest case...but no one can control an "Act of God"...can they...?
The Dark Devourer Author Kirk Straughen takes a wizard, a reluctant warrior, and bit of Lovecraftian horror and mixes them all up in this moody tale of thwarted love...and base desires...
The Serpent's Nest "Battling" Barney Calhoun returns (last seen in the serial Bat-Men of the Yinga River): it's 1930s South China Sea adventure as Barney prowls the back alleys of Moyalai on a mission for a lady and finds there's nothing sharper than a serpent's tooth...
The Ancient Grotto Jeff Stewart delivers a tale of Colin and Roland, archers fresh from the fight with Aragonese warriors, only to find even darker peril in The Ancient Grotto...
Shadows Under Darkened Spires The ever welcome "Long" John Outram returns to PDF with this tale of Jubal, self styled "King of the Cockroaches", whose thieving eye is set on the fabulous jade heart kept in the Temple of Shai-Gheeson...along with its guardian...
Tulon Station John M. Whalen delivers this SF yarn set on an alien planet. Jack Brand rescues a woman held captive by the Tulon. But they're not free yet, because it's a long way to Tulon Station...
She Hunts Tigers "Terminal" Talbot Pratt brings us this two-fister set in exotic India, where Jonathon finds himself the bait in a trap laid to catch Death itself!
The Poetry of Death "Long" John Outram once again transports us to Feudal Japan for a second tale of the Samurai Lord Wakibake Toka as he battles ninja assassins to protect a woman...and his honour...
The Fury of the Faithful "Drooling" D.K. Latta kindly contributes this sword and sorcerer formerly published in Bardic Runes Magazine, wherein the rescue of a damsel from a mysterious island unleashes...The Fury of the Faithful!
Brother, Can You Spare a Spook? PDF's Supreme Plasmate tinkers together this sci-fi showdown in future-noir! The hunter becomes the hunted when "Stabilizer" vs "spook", an invisible, unstoppable android...Nuff said?...
Swarm Previously a hit when it appeared in Challenging Destiny #12, "Drooling" D.K. Latta's sci-fi stunner features a lowly miner named Marvox and his environment suit, the Kel-427. A bad job is about to get a whole lot worse when Marvox finds himself the target of the Swarm...
The Cave Dweller The prolific pen of "Long" John Outram once again visits the Mighty PDF with another two-fisted sword and sorcerer set in the land of the savage Waren! Can even the sword-wielding wanderer Kavlar survive the terrible secret of The Cave Dweller?
Rendezvous in the Ruins Darryl Crawford slices up this sword and swashbuckler wherein Nick the Knife takes on the evil Crumstein and rescues two lovely ladies and a jhang...a jhang?..
Taking Out The Trash Sci-Fi sleuth Captain Frank Davis takes on the Red Planet in this Martian man-hunt from "Rolicking" Robert D. Wheadon. Someone's cheating on the races and it's up to Frank to prove it. For that, he'll have to go a big, blue Targ..
Echoes of the Dead "Drooling" D.K. Latta brings us this tale of costumed calamity featuring his superhero team, Essential Justice. They were the scourge of the Underworld until a mission went terribly awry...or did it?
The Bride of Arlic Kevin "The Wizard of Oz" Lumley cuts deep with this return engagement -- a tale of his sword-smiting Kozak, Jarn! Beware the green eyed monster...jealousy! NO LONGER ARCHIVED! Look for it to reappear in Kevin Lumley's up-coming collection from -- "Of Swordsmen and Sorcery".
For Old Times' Sake Greg McCrain delivers a melancholy meditation with this Cold War thriller of super-spys and questionable loyalties...and, of course, a license to kill...
The Lion's Brood Howard Andrew Jones summons up this semi-historical supernatural tale of the great General Hannibal! Moving elephants over the Alps was a cakewalk compared to making a deal with the demon Melquart...
To Rescue a Princess PDF welcomes Michael M. Kelly's sword-wielding duo, Crowe and Ranaur, in a quest to rescue a lovely damsel from the evil Alvar Lord...But who is really pulling the strings...and why?
Flight From the Pigites Removed at request of the author (as he's hoping to rework the concept for a novel)...
The Talons of Mandragora From the zany zetgeist of "Marvelous" Mike Ferguson (who brought us "The Android Princess Warriors from Neptune!") comes this shorter tale set in the same universe! Follow the adventures of secret agent Jacqueline "Jack" Hammer as she protects the world from Evil...or at least Evil's idiot half-brother!
Rotational Assignment Straight from the strange mind of "Royal" Richard Lyon comes this name-dropping nugget featuring everyone from King Kong to Prince Hamlet in a battle against Thoth Amon, master of the Central Processing Unit......
Wolves in the Forest Kevin Lumley hits hard with this brutal two-parter featuring his axe-wielding Kozak, Jarn, in a battle to the death with a pack of wolves...but, as usual here at the Mighty PDF, all is not as it seems... NO LONGER ARCHIVED! Look for it to reappear in Kevin Lumley's up-coming collection from -- "Of Swordsmen and Sorcery".
The Jewels on the Dais Removed by request of the author, Ernest F. Deak -- prepatory to revising it for future publication elsewhere (so keep an eye out for it, folks!)
The Crypt of the Cobra C.L. Werner offers up this sword and sorcerer of crypts and crawlies featuring his brawny hero, Grenulf the Wehrlander, in a quest for ancient treasure and nameless magic!
The Doom of Wolves "Jolly" Josh Reynolds returns to the Mighty PDF with his roguish duo of Vash and Svetch, who encounter toothy trouble in a forest darkly when they go sword to fang against...The Doom of Wolves!
The Earthmover "Royal" Richard K. Lyon hurtles in with this satirical little number about a wayward meteor and the earth on the brink of doomsday...
Too Close to Home Another Sam Cassell tale! "Rolicking" Robert D. Wheadon's gun-wielding gumshoe returns to PDF in this maze of mystery and mayhem that definitely hits Too Close to Home...
A Lesson in Warfare "Long" John Outram returns to PDF with this katana-wielding tale set in Feudal Japan, where a lesson in battle carries a stiff price...
Temple of the Mandricanth The return of Rozak and Tarajel! This time Martin E. Stephenson's sword-wielding duo takes on the guardian of a temple in a ferocious foray, sure to have you begging for more...
The Storm in the Jewel Martin E. Stephenson blows in with this clever little stormer, a tale of two sword-wielding thieves and some really foul weather...
A Dance with a Demon Josh Chapman joins PDF with this fiercesome foray featuring his bow-wielding bravura Ragan Song! Song takes on a demoniac cult and their grisly goddess only to learn a terrible lesson he won't soon forget...
A Reaper's Nightmare Mateo Ali blasts away with this two-gun tantalizer of Sister Skull, his Arcane Archangel of Death! The Deaths'-head Damsel delivers the goons in a hail of lead in this non-stop thrillride that will have you panting for more... ...
A Trick of the Night "Long" John Outram hunts up another spine-chiller featuring his wanderer swordsman Kavlar! In the dark of the forest, all is not as it seems, so tread carefully, dear fiends, or fall victim to a trick of the night...
The Club "Royal" Richard K. Lyon offers an ironic toast to those two-fisted heroes of yesteryear. You'll probably recognize a face or two, when you drop by the Club...
The Action Figure Howard Martin toys around with this nifty novelty...a life-sized toy that thinks it's a real superhero! That's right, as collectible as he is courageous, PDF proudly presents Mightyman...or a reasonable fascimile!
The Green Gun Murders "Rolicking" Robert D. Wheadon's hard boiled suspenser featuring P.I. Sam Cassell! When Sam's gun turns up beside the corpse du jour, only some quick legwork will keep him from winding up the last victim of the Green Gun Murders...
The Halls of Vulgad The emotions are huge as are the players, in this Sword and Sorcery stanza from Jeff Beck, of giants and gigantic revenge. When the mighty Rathe seeks bloody vengeance on the colossal Tyris, better keep out of his way, or you may just end up in the Halls of Vulgad....
Seen Through Mist Aye, maties! Pirates! "Long" John Outram sails in with this tantalizing tale of seadogs and suspense! Trapped in a tunnel with only two ways out, our rascally band must choose...where either way leads to a nasty finish...
Against the Gods "Rolicking" Robert D. Wheadon offers up this suspenseful sacrifice as Narduk the barbarian rushes to rescue a lithesome lovely from the covetous clutches of a god!
The Promise of Wine Peter J. Sanderson serves up this 4-part sword and sorcery sizzler! Framed for murder! Our hero enlists dark forces indeed to see that justice is done...but in this court, even the testimony of the dead may not be enough...
The Monkey Club Murders Oh yes, The Supreme Plasmate pridefully presents another PDF premiere...The Lurker! Master of Masquerade! Don of Disguise! Someone is knocking off the members of the Monkey Club, but who...and how...Only the Lurker knows, heh, heh, heh...
A Family Affair How's about a little Cyberpunk mayhem with some Tank Girl ass-kicking? From Abner Senires comes this future noir game of Kat and Mouse, where the contents of a silver case are worth dying long as it's the other guy who does the dying, heh, heh, heh...
Warp Spasm Even Conan would keep clear of this guy! Thumbs up for author Isaac Skipworth who pulls no punches in this gore-strewn glimpse of ancient Rome, where a gladiator's best friend isn't his sword, it's...
The Ship Without a Sea A Neekin short! Yes, "Drooling" D.K.'s swordsmiting siren lands her supple self in horror galore in a lost valley with a most unneighbourly denizen, and a mystery to curl your hair...
Last Rights for Peter Helms Another pulse-pounding premiere to PDF! From the 1950s comes leather-clad, motorbiking, crimebusting Johnny Grimoire! Bearer of King Arthur's other sword! Confused? Stay cool and read on...
Sins of the Father In this Wild Western, Billy is looking for revenge, but he's in for the surprise of his life when the clock strikes twelve...
The Senator The exciting return of Jonathan Silver, aka "The Ghost"! This time, Ron Capshaw's hero finds himself caught 'twixt East and West in a cunningly complex concoction of deceit and double-cross...
Treat Her Like a Lady Hi-tech suspense in future noir! He was a "stabilizer" and he knew his job. But, when he took out Pacino and his android goons, he forgot one thing...Pacino's girl...
The Tiger Trap In 19th Century India, a beautiful princess is caught in a fiendishly clever trap...her life balancing upon a single choice...Could you decide correctly?
The Long Arm of the Law The Mounties always get their man...but this Mountie has help of a most unearthly kind...
Manhunt: The Motivation The origin of Ron Chapshaw's 1940s superhero, Jonathan Silver, aka "The Ghost"! Sometimes it's better not to know...

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