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Colour code: Science Fiction Sword & Sorcery Horror Adventure

Serenity: Season Two
Return now to the old west and visit with old friends -- and new supernatural dangers. "Gunsmoke" was never like this as P&D proudly presents the final visit to... SERENITY: SEASON TWO

The Lord of Etru
Kirk Straughen's saga tells of how, marooned on an alien, primitive world, hunted by her deranged co-pilot, a lady astronaut finds an ally in a deposed chieftan -- the erstwhile... LORD OF ETRU

The Crimson Blade
It's sword and sorcery action in Chris Gordon's tale as a wanderer finds himself trapped in a city besieged by subhumans, flying dragons, and a dark wizard after ultimate power -- a wizard wielding a cursed weapon... THE CRIMSON BLADE

The Jewel of Besminur
When his space ship is attacked by pirates, it precipitates a deadly quest for Taxa, as he and a lovely damsel must seek a treasure out of legend in Kirk Straughen's... THE JEWEL OF BESMINUR

It's far-future thrills and chills as the colonial space marine's Rapid Action Team investigate an unseen horror and bizarre deaths on a remote mining planet in Kevin Lumley's mystery-thriller...R.A.T.s

Welcome to the Old West town of Serenity, where folks are friendly, life is good, and everyone'll tell you Marshal Boxer is the greatest lawman ever. Just don't ask too many questions, don't wonder about the inconsistencies and the dark secrets, and don't -- just don't -- go to the Outskirts...'cause the marshal wouldn't like that... Welcome to Jason Chirevas' weird western...Serenity: a town in the old west

Six-Guns in the Celestial Empire
Journey back a Century for two-fisted action across China, courtesy of author James Brian King, as a western adventurer working for the Chinese government finds trouble a-plenty in... Six-Guns in the Celestial Empire

Blood of the Lynx
A rebel outlaw is offered terms of peace by his enemy...providing he can perform a dangerous task in Fred Blosser's... Blood of the Lynx

Island of Terror
It's 1938, and pulp-fisted adventure courtesy of author Kirk Straughen, as a bold boat captain delivers a scientist and his group to an uncharted island...but, beware, for monsters dwell on the... Island of Terror

Trail of the HMS Fortuna
Join 1930s adventurer Raymond Swift for high octane adventure as he sets out to learn the fate of a vanished airship, and its incredible, top secret cargo in Andrea Tran's... Trail of the HMS Fortuna

Hunters of the Haunted Sea

"Drooling" D.K. Latta once again unleashes his swordswinging siren, Neekin! This time, Her Ever-Popular Knifeliness finds herself trapped aboard a ship set on a weird and perilous quest that will take her into deadly waters where monsters dwell and drowning is the least of her worries when she joins the "Hunters of the Haunted Sea!"

Swords Across the Void
In the star-spanning spirit of Edgar Rice Burroughs! A warrior of Ancient Babylonia, Assur, is transported to an alien world, there to face and fight unimagined beasts for the sake of Lunala, a sultry alien beauty who's love can never be Kirk Straughen's "Swords Across the Void"!

The Cold Rock Gamble
Big trouble under the big sky! Straight shooting Maria Faust and her Zombie companion, Mr. Tall, search the wild west for mystical artifacts for Wormfall's Cabinet of Curiosity and along the way lay low the odd bushwacker -- the quick and the undead! -- in Stanley "Buck" Weiss' The Cold Rock Gamble

Jack Be Quick

A compact chill-ride, from Kevin "The Wizard" Lumley, as one of PDF's favourite pulpsters brings us this terror treat featuring monster hunter extraordinaire Jack Quick! When demons lay seige to a police station, only one man stands in their way... but is he a 'man' at all?...Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick

Murder's Accomplice

In the spirit of Raymond Chandler! Once again Darryl Crawford brings us his hard-boiled Hollywood-based shamus, Felix Driscoll. Previously seen in the serial "The Wrong Twin", this time Driscoll P.I. finds a simple sleuthing job for a friend in the film business leads straight to a corpse in...Murder's Accomplice !

Shadow of the Blood Prophet

"Drooling" D.K. Latta! From the manic mind that brought us the untamed beauty of Neekin and the unmatched prowess of Kainar, now unleashes his newest Barbarian hero!  In the spirit of Conan, PDF proudly introduces Morg, barbarian mercenary, in...Shadow of the Blood Prophet!

Babysitting Blues

Cyberpunk sci-fi as PDF welcomes the kick-ass return of that tumultuous two-some, Kat and Mouse, (also seen in A Family Affair) a couple of fast-talking P.I.'s in... Babysitting Blues.

Fukitso and the Golden Egg
In the spirit of Conan! Jeffrey Blair Latta's kick-ass return of the mighty Ronin, Fukitso, in this Sword & Sorcery spectacular! Plus, introducing the lovely Nandalia, Hanbun of the Aka-Zaki!
Fukitso and the Golden Egg

The Terror of the Rails
Victorian derrying-do at its finest as Scientific Romance meets Secret Agent intrigue in... The Terror of the Rails!

Sail High, Sail Far
Removed at the request of the author (as he's hoping to get a book out of the characters)! 4

Secrets of the Forgotten Valley
"Drooling" D.K. Latta's albino Mountie Cpl. Kit Thunder returns to PDF in this Adventure in the Canadian bush! Thunder discovers a lost tropical valley and its decidedly hungry inhabitants... Secrets of the Forgotten Valley

Kavlar's Boast
"Long" John Outram regales us with yet another adventure of his popular sword-wielding wanderer, Kavlar, where a contest to win a sword turns deadly indeed... Kavlar's Boast

Monster on the Tundra

"Drooling" D.K. Latta introduces his albino Mountie, Corporal Kit Thunder (later seen in the serial "Secrets of the Forgotten Valley"). Hoar frost horror is afoot in the Canadian bush, but Thunder gets his man, or whatever, in The Monster on the Tundra!

The Wrong Twin
In the spirit of Raymond Chandler comes Darryl Crawford's 1950s gun-toting gumshoe Felix Driscoll in the City of Angels where a missing person leads to murder in the mystery of...
The Wrong Twin

The Garden of Death
Back by popular request, her knife-wielding nimbleness returns to PDF! "Drooling" D.K. Latta's nubile Neekin (from The Neekin Chronicles) washes ashore on a mysterious island, there to encounter... The Garden of Death

Diet Another Day!
"Royal" Richard Lyon's corpulant costumed crimebuster takes on a diabolical scheme with the lives of millions hanging in the balance! Yes, nebbishism has a name! And that name is...Lightningman! 13

Fukitso and the Lair of the Havok!
The giant Ronin returns in his 3rd spectacular serial where he encounters his greatest challenge yet -- another world with another Fukitso!  Plus, the lithesome Migoti and her deadly blade Shogun!  All this and a "havok" too?  Banzai!!!
Fukitso and the Lair of the Havok!


Beneath the Glacier
David Reeder's high-tech homage to the monster-meister himself, H.P. Lovecraft! Miskatonic University's heavily armed "Special Assignments Detail" enters The Mountains of Madness and takes on the ultimate plug-ugly in...Beneath the Glacier 5

The Devil You Know
PDF proudly presents Sean Ellis's hi-octane action guy, Nick Kismet, as he battles everything from helicopters atop the Empire State Building to a Holy Relic with the power to control the The Devil You Know! 8

The Jaws of Fenris
The long anticipated return of "Long" John Outram's swordsman wanderer, Kavlar of the Waren! Previously seen in the serial, Kavlar's Boast, as well as numerous shorts, this time Kavlar takes on a deadly Wolf-cult! Will he triumph, or wind up a chew-toy in...The Jaws of Fenris! 5

The Bat-Men of the Yinga River!
"Doc" R.B. Danby's "Brawling" Barney Calhoun tackles crocs, goons, and a race of Bat-Men as he steams up the deadly Yinga River all for the sake of a mysterious idol! Big fisted adventure in the  South China Sea! Can he bring 'em back alive? Find out in... The Bat-Men of the Yinga River! 8

Savage Miraya
Burroughsian Planetary Romance, on an exotic alien world, pirate Morgan Seagrave fights for a princess's love amid air-borne islands, savage monsters...and the villainous Trayken Rayvers!
Savage Miraya

Goblin's Gold

From D.W. Owens comes...trouble shooter Jesse Nolan in a powerhouse race to find a lost Confederate treasure... 9

The Ship Eaters
Jeffrey Blair Latta's swashbuckling serial! Pirates, a Lost Civilization, Ancient Treasure, and a Force which causes ships to vanish without a trace.. 9

The Doom Ship of Time!
"Dauntless" D.K. Latta's super-powered, Dalton Quasar, is hurled back in time aboard a ghost ship! Rocket packs, ray guns, dinosaurs and Time warps! 6

In the Dark of Kingston
A homage to  H.P. Lovecraft!  An English professor unearths unEarthly horror and an ancient secret ... lurking beneath a small  Ontario town!

The City of Ul Chalan
Master spy Gertrude Eisenstein investigates a Lost Civilization in this serial by Richard K. Lyon and first published in Analog Magazine.

Bleak Lives!
Scott H. Urban's moldering meditation on lurching larceny! Edward Bleak is out to catch a killer...but how do you catch a killer when you are the decaying corpse? Find out, when...Bleak Lives! 9

Death Deals
Jeremy Riddle's 11-part frightsome foray into a nightmare of grisly revenge!  The Reaper!  He has no face but carries a scythe... and no one can stop him...

Stalkers of the Tiger's Bride
Conan-esque serialized adventures of the Ronin, Fukitso, and his beautiful female companion, Almaz, in the desert land of Shemshiran. (With illustrations!)

The Long Dark Road to Wizardry
A complete thrill-packed novel of magicks from Richard K. Lyon and Andrew J. Offutt, the cunning quillmeisters behind Pocket Books' War of the Wizards Trilogy!!!

Hell hath the Hindenburg!
In the action-packed spirit of Indiana Jones comes 1930s bush pilot, "Pontoon" Jack Carnac, and his bushplane, Hell-damner!  A secret Nazi base, a French-Canadian damsel, a bush beast, and a diabolical plot! 10

The Android Princess Warriors from Neptune
And now for something completely different! Stand by to blast off on a wild (and zany) ride with superagent Mister Gunn, Agent 18, in this satirical serial by Mike Ferguson. 15

Night of the Mind-Tyrants
From "Drooling" D.K. Latta comes a 2nd Midnight Sons serial. The return of The Silhouette, Mr. Amazing, Man-Fly, plus all new heroes and villains!  9

When Walk the Gods

Set during the dark days of W.W. II comes this popular adventure of costumed heroes and masked adventurers battling a spy ring and an insidious Nazi plot. By D.K. Latta.

Jeff A. Hatch brings us the gothic Necropolis, where three costumed crusaders take up the brazen battle against crime... Eclipse...Poltergeist... Nemesis...Evil beware!

The Legacy of the Scorpion
The Scorpion! Howard G. Martin's cowl-clad crusader, circa 1940, is catapulted to the year 2080, there to take on the Shape of Thugs to Come!  7

The Neekin Chronicles "Drooling" D.K. Latta's popular sword and sultry tales featuring the untamed savage beauty of the girl-with-mismatched eyes, Neekin!  Her Nimbleness tackles loathsome monsters in a land of enchantment and she looks damn fine doing it too.

Hawk's Wood "Drooling" D.K. Latta's Kainar, the Guardsman of Hannah Town,  encounters supernatural terrors with the aid of his talking axe, Hawk's Wood!

Pulp and DaggerPulp and Dagger


All stories and illustrations are protected by copyright their respective authors.